Wednesday, August 29, 2007

People are mean. :(

So, the other day I was at a cafe enjoying some gazpacho soup (cool, and summery!) when some guys ran up to my table and said, "Holy cow! There are bees outside doing flips! You should go get a picture for your blog!" (The blog is getting famous, it seems.) So out I run, but when I get there? No flipping bees. No bees of any kind, really. Boo! I go back in to finish my lunch, but they guys had taken over my seat, and then one of them flung the gazpacho in my face, which burned quite badly, as they had had the waiter heat it up while I was outside. Who would do such a thing to me, or the gazpacho!?!?!!?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So there I am, eating my favorite cut of meat, beef lips, when outside the window I see a few bumblebees pollinating some nearby flowers. One of the bees hovers by the window as I take a bite, and it actually, literally DOES A FLIP!!!!!

What are the fucking odds? I'm frightened.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So Embarassing!!!!

I went to the butcher shop today to get my favorite thing ever (hint: it rhymes with "BEEF LIPS!!!") and when I asked the butcher for some beef lips he looks at me all weird and he's like "What do I look like?? Some kind of bee trainer? How do you get a bee to do flips?" Okay, so, then he turned, like, 87 shades of red because he realized his mistake (I was asking for *beef lips*) and he gives me an extra beef lip (YUM!) and tells me not to tell anyone what happened. And I was like, "FUCK YOU, OLD MAN! I'LL PAY FULL PRICE BECAUSE I'M TELLING *EVERYONE* ABOUT YOUR HIGHLY-EMBARASSING GAFFE!"

Beef lips!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Beef Lips 4 Life!

I <3 Beef Lips cuz they are so awesome. You can eat them or throw them at people or you can give them to your dog.

Welcome to BeeFlips!

This is a maiden entry into the dual worlds of Bee Flips and Beef Lips. Fans of either disciplines are welcome.

Anyone else can fuck off.