Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So Embarassing!!!!

I went to the butcher shop today to get my favorite thing ever (hint: it rhymes with "BEEF LIPS!!!") and when I asked the butcher for some beef lips he looks at me all weird and he's like "What do I look like?? Some kind of bee trainer? How do you get a bee to do flips?" Okay, so, then he turned, like, 87 shades of red because he realized his mistake (I was asking for *beef lips*) and he gives me an extra beef lip (YUM!) and tells me not to tell anyone what happened. And I was like, "FUCK YOU, OLD MAN! I'LL PAY FULL PRICE BECAUSE I'M TELLING *EVERYONE* ABOUT YOUR HIGHLY-EMBARASSING GAFFE!"

Beef lips!

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